"Nora Ephron said: Don't underestimate how much antagonism there is toward women and how many people wish we could turn the clock back."

I'm wondering if a reverse psychology approach might work. Since for years right wingers have been telling American women that they have it best in the world, Feminism is not needed here, it's needed in places like Afghanistan, Iran, Somalia, etc, and that if western Feminists were serious they would be doing something for women in those countries instead of complaining about nothing in the USA... maybe it's time American women play to that. Like, campaigning on those ideas. "Yes! The USA is the greatest country on earth and the one of the only countries that have given women full freedom, liberty and autonomy! I am so grateful to be an American woman and I know that all Americans, regardless of race, class, gender or religion fully support American women! I know that the American electorate will not let American women down! I have faith in our great country, it's people, and our merciful God! God Bless America!"

Then once in, laws could be changed and ERA passed based on "American values".

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I'm understanding this argument, summarized, as "Clinton's loss dealt psychic damage to All Women". This is a very common failing of the pro-Hilary people, an assumption that Hilary stands for all left-wing women, and that her values are their values. As we know, women have no unique viewpoints or beliefs of their own.

I do recall op-eds at the time stating that this was a major failing of her platform.

I also find it odd that you're bringing up that you voted for Sanders (a man) so frequently, something that nobody can verify. What kind of credibility are you expecting from this statement?

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"Don’t get me wrong, I think Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 because of being too far left on social issues, especially on immigration, compared to the electorate in swing states ..."

I actually think the rest of this excellent post makes a compelling case that the anti-feminist backlash unleashed on HRC from right and left was if not the only reason she lost, at least a significant factor. In general, I definitely agree that as a matter of strategy, Democrats need to be careful not to get dragged into culture war quagmires and focus instead on practical economic policies- creating jobs, protecting and improving social programs, etc. But Hillary's campaign DID talk about these things! Perhaps she could have better broken through the culture war outrage bring hurled by Trump if she had staked out more moderate positions on immigration, etc. But the relentless EMAILS!!! coverage - which I think you pinpoint as fundamentally rooted in anti-feminist backlash - surely made at least a point or two difference in the national margin and, well, that did it. And of course Trump winning has carried that backlash forward to today and probably many decades from now thanks to the right-wing supermajority on the Court.

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